CA Storm Policies


Storm Athletes

First Technical- The first technical foul and the Storm athlete needs to sit the remainder of the half. If the technical is given to a Storm athlete within the last five minutes of the game then they need to sit that remainder of the game and the first half of the next game. 

Second Technical- Must sit out a half (same as the first) and the Storm athlete needs to have a meeting with Justin, Troy, and his parents/guardians.

Third Technical- The Storm athlete will be asked to sit out games for the remainder of the season.


Storm Coaches

First Technical- The Storm coach needs to communicate with Justin and Troy, after the game.

Second Technical- The Storm coach will not participate in the next game(s)/tournament and have a meeting with Justin and Troy.

Third Technical- Storm coach will be asked to sit out the remainder of the season - practices and games. 


Storm Parents/Fans

First Technical- The Storm parent/fan should leave the gym for the remainder of the game and have a meeting with the Storm coach, Storm athlete, Justin, and Troy.

Second Technical- The Storm parent/fan will be asked to not be in the gym-for games- the remainder of the season. In addition, there will be a meeting with Storm Coach, Justin, and Troy.

Third Technical- The Storm parent and Storm athlete will be asked to sit out the remainder of the season.